What Is The Reason For Our Spiritual Poverty?
Learning Christ is designed to take place in community. Be it your local church community, small group, or from other believers in the wider body of Christ. In addition to the personal revelation we should receive from the Lord ourselves, we also receive help and insight from other saints (dead or alive) with whom God has made deposits of grace and wisdom. I want us to learn about spiritual poverty from one of those “dead saints”.
One of my personal mentors in the faith was an apostle from China called Watchman Nee. He planted many churches in China and was a prolific writer and anointed speaker. He has had a significant influence on shaping my walk and leading me into the deeper Christian life through his writings. Occasionally, I will share articles or quotes from my mentors (many dead) or fellow ministers in the faith for your edification. Below is an excerpt from one of Watchman Nee`s books dealing with spiritual poverty: The Holy Spirit and Reality by Watchman Nee.
What`s the reason for our spiritual poverty?
Watchman Nee
“What is the reason for our spiritual poverty? The reason lies in the lack of discipline from the Spirit and the lack of restrictions of the Spirit. We must remember that every enlarged person has gone through some experiences before the Lord. They have a certain amount of history before the Lord. Their experiences and history become the riches of the church.
Many sicknesses are present in order to increase the riches of the church. Many problems are present in order to increase the riches of the church. Many obstacles and hardships are present in order to increase the riches of the church. Many Christians live in peace, yet their end is spiritual poverty.
When other brothers and sisters are faced with problems, they cannot understand or provide any spiritual help to them. They do not have a history before God, and the Holy Spirit has no opportunity to manifest the reality of Christ through them or to wrought Christ into them. They may have heard many teachings, but teachings cannot replace the work of the Spirit. With those who do not have the work of the Spirit, the Lord’s riches cannot become their riches, and they have nothing to give to others.
Therefore, whether or not we are useful in God’s hand depends on whether the Holy Spirit has done a work in us. A Christian must not be so fallen as to have no intervention from the Holy Spirit, as if he is destined to poverty.
We believe that the Lord does not let go of anyone who commits himself into His hands. We believe that every trial is for enlarging and enriching us. Once a man passes through a trial, he becomes that much richer. Every time a man faces a distress, he knows God that much more. In this way, he becomes gradually qualified to supply God’s children in the church.”
I think you can see why I like this guy, so tell me. What struck you? What was enlightening? I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments section of this article.
If this was helpful and you want to read more you can purchase The Holy Spirit and Reality by Watchman Nee here with my link.
Community, it is something i keep seeing and is something im in deep agreement with.
The Christian walk cannot be done in isolation, whether it is to be edified or to cpmfess our sins one to another. It seems to me the early church met with each other but somehow we have moved our relationship to being only us and God…
Indeed, community is another important aspect that leads to either our spiritual riches or poverty.