Face To Face

About Adrian Reid

I am a loved, accepted, and honored son of God in Christ Jesus despite my many shortcomings. I am happily married and totally in love with my wife, Robertha Reid. I am a father to two energetic and uniquely gifted boys, Levi-Hunter Reid (the priest who pursues) and Luke Pierce Reid (the one who brings piercing light).

About Me

Over the past 25 years, in various countries, I have ministered as a teacher, church leader, mobilizer, spiritual entrepreneur, and kingdom community builder. My mission is to serve God`s people by illuminating Jesus Christ until He becomes the central and universal obsession of His church and to help His people live out their calling as sons and daughters of God where they live as priests before God, brothers and sisters to each other, and a creative, transformative and counter-cultural community for the well being of their city and nation.

I desire to see Jesus come more fully into His inheritance which the Father promised Him in eternity past. Which is a multi-membered, diversely gifted body (the church) over whom He is Head and through whom He can express His own Life and Nature, in our church gatherings and in society to the glory of God the Father.

Face To Face

This blog will not resonate with everyone and that is ok. This space is for those believers who have come to a place where passive weekly sermon consumption as the core expression of their Christian life is no longer enough to satisfy them. Where their hearts are panting for the water brook and deep is calling out to deep for greater fellowship with the Lord, other believers, and a life of kingdom impact.
Where they desire their ministry to flow, not from mere duty or gifting alone, but from a place of intimacy with the Lord, with truth being formed in their inward parts and where they are jealous to walk in spiritual reality. If this describes you, welcome to Face to Face.

I am a loved, accepted, and honored son of God in Christ Jesus despite my many shortcomings. I am happily married and totally in love with my wife, Robertha Reid. I am a father to two energetic and uniquely gifted boys, Levi-Hunter Reid (the priest who pursues) and Luke Pierce Reid (the one who brings piercing light).

We enjoy travelling and I love my hat 🙂

Over the past 25 years, in various countries, I have ministered as a teacher, church leader, mobilizer, spiritual entrepreneur, and kingdom community builder. My mission is to serve God`s people by illuminating Jesus Christ until He becomes the central and universal obsession of His church and to help His people live out their calling as sons and daughters of God where they live as priests before God, brothers and sisters to each other, and a creative, transformative and counter-cultural community for the well being of their city and nation.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God (Jesus Christ) as the waters cover the sea. (completely)

– Habakkuk 2:14

I desire to see Jesus come more fully into His inheritance which the Father promised Him in eternity past. Which is a multi-membered, diversely gifted body (the church) over whom He is Head and through whom He can express His own Life and Nature, in our church gatherings and in society to the glory of God the Father.

Face To Face

This blog will not resonate with everyone and that is ok. This space is for those believers who have come to a place where passive weekly sermon consumption as the core expression of their Christian life is no longer enough to satisfy them. Where their hearts are panting for the water brook and deep is calling out to deep for greater fellowship with the Lord, other believers, and a life of kingdom impact.

Where they desire their ministry to flow, not from mere duty or gifting alone, but from a place of intimacy with the Lord, with truth being formed in their inward parts and where they are jealous to walk in spiritual reality. If this describes you, welcome to Face to Face.

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