My Candid Reflections on Trump’s Presidency
I have been musing on Trump and the Presidency for a while. Many thoughts coursed through my mind, but I wasn’t quick to speak on any of them because of the “clouds” that surround the topic.
What do I mean by clouds? The prophet Nahum (Nahum 1:3b) uses a metaphor that “clouds are the dust of His Feet”, now clouds represent divinity and sovereignty over all. As Jesus moves sovereignly over this political landscape, sometimes those “clouds of dust” that He leaves in His wake make some things difficult to discern as to what is really happening from a heavenly point of view.
As I observe, it appears that the Lord has allowed President Trump to have something akin to Thor`s Hammer (Mjolnir). A powerful tool of tremendous and far-reaching influence, he has been granted the right to wield for a season.
As I observe, the President is an “action man” wielding his hammer widely and mightily. However, his wielding appears to be exceedingly mixed. On some counts, doing good, knocking things down that should be knocked, such as biological men in women`s sports and similar issues. For that, I give thanks and say amen!
However, the hammer is also doing some damage to the “least of these” in regards to a broad brush policy towards immigration. As well as the freezing of funds for aid without a phased approach to identifying any fraud that may be occurring while also allowing life-saving work to continue at the same time. A lot of that aid goes to Christian organisations doing life-saving work in the field, which now can`t serve many of the world`s most vulnerable. (This I know personally because I work in the space)
Scriptural and Spiritual Parallels
I remember when the temple of God was being rebuilt after the exile, at its completion- some were happy and praising God and some were mourning and sad. It feels like this is the correct response for us in this season- not all mourning and not all praise. If we have all praise, I think the “dust of the clouds” may be obscuring some of our view, and if we have all mourning, the same “dust of the clouds” may be having the same effect. A mixed cacophony of both mourning and praise rising to God from our lips is the appropriate response…(at least in this season).
One of my concerns is that I fear the Presidency taking on the shape, persona and imperialistic ambitions of an ancient figure – Nebuchadnezzar. I see the “Gulf of America” statements about Canada, Denmark, and Gaza. I see the shadow of the ancient king.
This ancient king had ambitions of being THE Greatest Among Nations (which is different from being A great nation FOR your people). One is motivated by love for your people, and the other by the pride of comparison. What is interesting is that there was a divine judgment against this king. Guess what the Holy Spirit`s advice to Daniel was to avert judgment? What is the shadow side of an imperial mindset?
Daniel 4:27 – Therefore, may my advice be pleasing to you, O king. Break away from your sins by doing what is right, and from your iniquities by showing mercy to the oppressed. Perhaps there will be an extension of your prosperity.”
His posture toward the poor and oppressed is what the Lord zeroed in on, and he also made a link between this attitude of mercy to the oppressed and national prosperity. Dan 4:27 this is one of the prophetic words I believe heaven is communicating to the Commander in Chief in this season.
I told my wife that I believe that one of the major reasons for America`s prosperity over the centuries is due to their open heart to this group, as expressed in their Statue of Liberty.
“give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”
I believe that if the USA turns away from this posture, which it seems to be doing – the country will Not be great again, despite all of the President’s efforts. There are divine forces at work.
I think it is important to say that a country and its leader have the right and responsibility to manage its borders. That being said, not all people who come are criminals, while some are. This is a complex issue, but I think there can be a greater level of discernment in action and policy. Those who are definitely of a criminal nature can go back home, but those who are genuinely seeking a better life or escape, like Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus, can be facilitated through legal means to incorporate them into society with a similar posture that was offered to the South Africans.
Heart dictates policy, and policy dictates action. May the Lord continue to guide the heart of the President into more and more of His will and ways. Amen
P.S. This is not a “for” or “against” Trump post. Those who know me best know I couldn’t care less about left or right, Republican or Democrat, because I don’t see the world in those terms. Those things are but footnotes in a grander story of Jesus Christ.
This is me processing my thoughts with the current light of the Lord that I possess at the moment and hoping that something in it will be an encouragement or insight for the people of God.